Corruption is not just embezzlement, corruption is any kind of deviation from: the lofty goals of Islam and: or enmity with God. Both those who corrupt the whole earth, and those who corrupt in their families and themselves! According to the Prophet, even the one who does something to himself that says: You have semen, is cursed than the one who embezzles billions of dollars. Their benefit from corruption is a few moments of pleasure or cleverness, and the rest is torment and pain. Khavari, who embezzled billions of dollars, had zero interest on this money. Because he had transferred the money from the Iranian account to the American (Canada) account. With this clever feeling! He was hoping to get at least half of it, when they deported him to Canada and said: If you want to die, start a corrupt life with a fake identity. All the young people who don't get married and self-gratify themselves know that the shining of their eyes is the first two days, and then illness and premature aging, depression and suicide! Therefore, let the mayor know this: now the municipality has become the center of corruption. And the person whose slogan was fighting corruption in the municipality, has become the mother of corruption with a deceptive turn! In the name of fighting money laundering, he has turned to the denigration of religious rules and hijab. Metros and parks, the city of games and the streets above the city, have all become the center of gathering of prostitutes and prostitutes. Even a car! It is the center of dissimulation and promotion of hijab: which is the key to girls becoming smokers. They only pay well to prostitutes who: cross the red line more. And he must have a cigarette in his mouth. Everyone knows that smoking a cigarette will end up falling by the side of the streams, and adding to the corpses of the municipalities. Parks have become gathering places: all kinds of criminals. Smoking and drug education center. And you can quickly see its statistics in the funeral: from the side of the street. Will you emerge from this system as a defender of the country? Are doctors, engineers and the elite cultivated? Or it will come to a point where everyone: the startups who were fighting for Mahsa Gate: smile or remain silent in front of the martyrdom of women and girls in Kerman. Those who took large loans from the municipality, or from the government, under the pretext of employment, turned out to be just making money. According to them, employment is the transformation of a veiled and studying girl into a smoking street woman. The officials are just watching the drunkenness of the Nokishes and the Kilouis. All they do is arrest or prosecute the defenders of the hijab. Under the pretext of starting sedition! Do they introduce the armed seditionist to the heart of the people? Did the weapon make Fakhrizadeh's assassination a cobbler! Under the pretext of a piece of bread! Did not enter? According to them, employment is smuggling and theft, physical and personal terror of IRGC and Faraja. We can also see the result: the IRGC or Faraja do not dare to take revenge for the 17,000 assassinations. They are even afraid to name them. The files are to replace them. Kordel's hypocrites who now have no place in Tirana's nursing home. ISIS, the end of which was announced by General Soleimani, is all a false sign: so that the liberals will return to power, and bloodshed. As an example, we can see that with the Kerman explosion, those who were disqualified! Qualified. And the Guardian Council raises its hands. These hands have been up for a long time. Since Rabbani Shirazi accident! they did And they do not mention him at all. Started. Hasan Fereydoun and other infiltrators were all honored with the approval of the Guardian Council. What is being done now. And all this is the result of the same smoking: girls on the street and in the park and in the subway. Because they say: the youth have lost their religion. Don't be too hard! Satan knows how to convince even the Guardian Council. He says: You confirm! People do not vote by themselves. While the people's logic is the opposite: they say that we vote because the Guardian Council has approved it.